Active Security for Cloud-Native Applications

Calico Enterpirse

A self-managed active cloud-native application security platform for containers, Kubernetes, and cloud

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Founded by the original Project Calico engineering team

Calico opensource, the most widely used container networking and security solution


Calico Enterprise Benefits

Calico Architecture

Use Cases

Egress Access Control

Kubernetes workloads need to securely connect to resources outside the cluster (DB, SaaS, Data Center)

Visibility and Troubleshooting

Visualize K8s connection issue and trace flow for analysis

Enterprise Security Controls

Kubernetes workloads must meet existing organizational/regulatory security and compliance requirements

Extend Firewalls to Kubernetes

Translate Firewall Rules into Kubernetes Network Policies

Zero Trust Security

Implement zero-trust workload access controls for traffic to and from individual pods to external endpoints on a per-pod basis to protect your Kubernetes cluster.

Intrusion Detection (IDS)

Calico provides workload-level intrusion detection and prevention, deep packet inspection, protection from DDoS attacks, Envoy-based application-level protection, and WAF.

Cloud Micro-segmentation

Identity-aware microsegmentation enables DevSecOps teams to logically divide workloads into distinct security segments and then define granular security controls for each unique segment.

Self-Service Security

Automatically define, validate and deploy security policies in a self-service environment

Unified Control

Centralized cloud-native application protection across on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments, and on any Kubernetes distributions or data plane.

Calico Opensource vs. Calico Enterprise

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