The One DevOps Platform

Simplify your workflow with GitLab

Develop with DevOps in a single application

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Unify the entire DevOps lifecycle with GitLab

How DevOps is better with GitLab

GitLab is The DevOps Platform that empowers organizations to maximize the overall return on software development by delivering software faster and efficiently, while strengthening security and compliance. With GitLab, every team in your organization can collaboratively plan, build, secure, and deploy software to drive business outcomes faster with complete transparency, consistency and traceability across the DevOps lifecycle.

GitLab Value

Simplify your workflow with a single application for all the stages

Work more efficiently

Identify blockers and address them immediately, in a single tool.

Deliver better software faster

Focus on delivering value—not maintaining integrations.

Reduce risk and cost

Automate security and compliance without compromising speed or spend.

GitLab DevOps Platform

Key Benefits

Visualize and optimize your entire DevOps lifecycle with platform-wide analytics within the same system where you do your work.
Use a common set of tools across teams and lifecycle stages, without dependencies on third-party plugins or APIs that can disrupt your workflow.
Scan for vulnerabilities and compliance violations with each commit.
Transparent & Compliant
Automatically capture and correlate all actions—from planning to code changes to approvals—for easy traceability during audits or retrospectives.
Easy to Adopt
Learn a single UX, manage a single data store, and run it all on your choice of infrastructure.

GitLab Features

Gain visibility and insight into how your business is performing
  • GitLab helps teams manage and optimize their software delivery lifecycle with metrics and value stream insight in order to streamline and increase
    their delivery velocity. 

Gain visibility and insight into how your business is performing
  • 비즈니스 성과에 대한 가시성과 통찰력을 통해 소프트웨어 전달 수명 주기를 관리하고최적화 할 수 있도록 지원

Regardless of your process, GitLab provides powerful planning tools to keep everyone synchronized
  • GitLab enables portfolio planning and management through epics, groups (programs) and milestones to organize and track progress.
  • GitLab helps teams organize, plan, align and track project work to ensure teams are working on the right things at the right time and maintain end to end visibility and traceability of issues throughout the delivery lifecycle from idea to production.

Regardless of your process, GitLab provides powerful planning tools to keep everyone synchronized
  • 에픽, 프로그램 및 이정표를 통해포트폴리오 계획 및 관리를 지원하여 진행상황을구성하고 추적
  • 프로젝트 작업을 계획, 조정 및 추적하여적시에 올바른 작업을 수행하고문제에 대한 End-to-End 가시성과 추적성을유지할 수 있도록 지원

Create, view, and manage code and project data through powerful branching tools.
  • GitLab helps teams design, develop and securely manage code and project data from a single distributed version control system to enable rapid iteration and delivery of business value.
  • GitLab repositories provide a scalable, single source of truth for collaborating on projects and code which enables teams to be productive without disrupting their workflows.

Keep strict quality standards for production code with automatic testing and reporting
  • GitLab helps delivery teams fully embrace continuous integration to automate the builds, integration and verification of their code.
  • GitLab’s industry leading CI capabilities enables automated testing, Static Analysis Security Testing, Dynamic Analysis Security testing and code quality analysis to provide fast feedback to developers and testers about the quality of their code.
  • With pipelines that enable concurrent testing and parallel execution, teams quickly get insight about every commit, allowing them to deliver higher quality code faster.

Create a consistent and dependable software supply chain with built-in package management
  • GitLab enables teams to package their applications and dependencies, manage containers, and build artifacts with ease
  • The private, secure, container and package registry are built-in and preconfigured out-of-the box to work seamlessly with GitLab source code management and CI/CD pipelines
  • Ensure DevOps acceleration and a faster time to market with automated software pipelines that flow freely without interruption.

Security capabilities, integrated into your development lifecycle
  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
  • Container Scanning, and Dependency Scanning
  • Deliver secure applications along with license compliance

GitLab's integrated CD solution allows you to ship code with zero-touch, be it on one or one thousand servers
  • Automate the release and delivery of applications
  • shortening the delivery lifecycle, streamlining manual processes, and accelerating team velocity
  • Automated deployments to multiple environments like staging and production

Configure your applications and infrastructure
  • Configure and manage their application environments
  • Protect access to key infrastructure configuration details such as passwords and login information

Help reduce the severity and frequency of incidents
  • Get feedback and the tools to help you reduce the severity and frequency of incidents so that you can release software frequently with confidence

Protect your apps and infrastructure from security intrusions
  • GitLab provides cloud native protections, including unified policy management, container scanning, and container network and host security.

GitLab Features

Gain visibility and insight into how your business is performing
  • 비즈니스 성과에 대한 가시성과 통찰력을 통해 소프트웨어 전달 수명 주기를 관리하고최적화 할 수 있도록 지원
Regardless of your process, GitLab provides powerful planning tools to keep everyone synchronized
  • GitLab enables portfolio planning and management through epics, groups (programs) and milestones to organize and track progress.
  • GitLab helps teams organize, plan, align and track project work to ensure teams are working on the right things at the right time and maintain end to end visibility and traceability of issues throughout the delivery lifecycle from idea to production.
Create, view, and manage code and project data through powerful branching tools.
  • GitLab helps teams design, develop and securely manage code and project data from a single distributed version control system to enable rapid iteration and delivery of business value.
  • GitLab repositories provide a scalable, single source of truth for collaborating on projects and code which enables teams to be productive without disrupting their workflows.
Keep strict quality standards for production code with automatic testing and reporting
  • GitLab helps delivery teams fully embrace continuous integration to automate the builds, integration and verification of their code.
  • GitLab’s industry leading CI capabilities enables automated testing, Static Analysis Security Testing, Dynamic Analysis Security testing and code quality analysis to provide fast feedback to developers and testers about the quality of their code.
  • With pipelines that enable concurrent testing and parallel execution, teams quickly get insight about every commit, allowing them to deliver higher quality code faster.
Create a consistent and dependable software supply chain with built-in package management
  • GitLab enables teams to package their applications and dependencies, manage containers, and build artifacts with ease
  • The private, secure, container and package registry are built-in and preconfigured out-of-the box to work seamlessly with GitLab source code management and CI/CD pipelines
  • Ensure DevOps acceleration and a faster time to market with automated software pipelines that flow freely without interruption.
Security capabilities, integrated into your development lifecycle
  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
  • Container Scanning, and Dependency Scanning
  • Deliver secure applications along with license compliance
GitLab's integrated CD solution allows you to ship code with zero-touch, be it on one or one thousand servers
  • Automate the release and delivery of applications
  • shortening the delivery lifecycle, streamlining manual processes, and accelerating team velocity
  • Automated deployments to multiple environments like staging and production
Configure your applications and infrastructure
  • Configure and manage their application environments
  • Protect access to key infrastructure configuration details such as passwords and login information
Help reduce the severity and frequency of incidents
  • Get feedback and the tools to help you reduce the severity and frequency of incidents so that you can release software frequently with confidence
Protect your apps and infrastructure from security intrusions
  • GitLab provides cloud native protections, including unified policy management, container scanning, and container network and host security.

GitLab Customer Story

Learn why top companies trust GitLab for DevOps
Glympseis able to improve security scanning and deploy time
We had something like 20 odd different tools to kind of wrap around the system that we already had. But luckily, our leadership understood the importance of simplifying our processes and once we got GitLab in, we were off to the races

Cillian Dwyer

Siemens transformed its collaboration and organizational workflow with GitLab SCM, CI/CD, and DevOps
We really try to bring the open source culture in, and so far, we really succeeded. With CI/CD, we have one and a half million builds every month. The whole culture has completely changed.

Fabio Huser

Engineering teams removed toolchain complexity and accelerated DevOps adoption through GitLab’s automation
GitLab has allowed us to dramatically increase the velocity of development in our Engineering Division. We believe GitLab’s dedication to helping enterprises rapidly and effectively bring software to market will help other companies achieve the same sort of efficiencies we have seen inside Goldman Sachs. We now see some teams running and merging 1000+ CI feature branch builds a day!

Andrew Knight

The era of DIY DevOps is over. Let's iterate faster & innovate together.
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application

GitLab DevOps Platform

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